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How Do I Get My Martial Arts Skills Up in Kenshi

Leveling combat skills is not as difficult or slow equally you retrieve, understanding how "combat level" is calculated is key to maximising gains. I volition share in this guide some of my grinding methods, and why it is most efficient to level get-go Strength (+Athletics), Toughness (+Contrivance), so Melee Attack, Martial Arts, and everything else, to avert slowing down feel gain. Await Strength, Dexterity, Toughness and most other gainsay skills to hit seventy (and beyond if you have the patience) with these repeatable steps.


  • Leveling Combat Skills Guide
    • Combat Mechanics Explained and Outline
    • Strength Preparation
    • Toughness Training
    • Dexterity, and Melee Assault
    • Martial Arts and Other Tips, Notes
    • Special Department: Your First Character, Stealing equally an OP Get-go
    • Decision

Leveling Combat Skills Guide

Combat Mechanics Explained and Outline

Experience proceeds (XP) is optimal when a lower gainsay level character fights ane with a higher combat level. Just how exactly does that piece of work?

Combat level betwixt 2 opponents is calculated past the combatants':

  • Melee Defense:Armed, with weapon and using it (no crippled correct arm or glitching out).
  • Martial Arts: When unarmed. If you click over the NPC you should be able to see whether MA or Melee Defence is beingness used.

Then when two opponents are fighting with weapons, it is actually Melee Defence versus Melee Defence when calculating XP! Melee Assail does NOT factor in at all in XP. If one is unarmed, his Martial Arts skill is his "level". It's that simple. And then armed vs unarmed? Just accept M. Def. vs. Martial Arts.

This is the reason why it is possible to boring your XP gains to a crawl, if you have a character with e.g. 60 Defence/30 Attack, vs. an NPC with only 30 Defence/sixty Attack. In fact, if that happens in your dojo, it is virtually likely your prisoner actually gaining more Set on XP than your guy, considering your guy is the one with the higher "Gainsay Level".

Bottomline: Keep your Melee Defence low at the starting time, if not you will deadening your Attack and Dex skill gains! Defence is the easier skill to train later, and just involves getting striking a lot by a high defense NPC while armed (and well armoured).

A small sized training dojo.

A larger, more spacious dojo.

An outline of how a new, fresh recruit is trained in my method. More details and caption in the rest of the guide.

  1. Force to l-60, by hauling between 2 storages. Can train higher to 70+, merely gains are painfully slow subsequently that. Trainee encumbrance is maintained at lxx%+, just must be also conveying a body for the maximum XP proceeds!
  2. Toughness to lxx. During this phase, Dodge is leveled to about 40-l, and possibly a few points in Martial Arts merely that is not important. Trainee is unarmed at this stage, against an armed opponent. If trainee's Martial Arts is just at one, that is the best- his Dodge skill volition get up really fast even against a brigand of xxx Defence. The reason why we train Strength offset is so that we tin can equip the heaviest armour, to prevent your trainee from going down besides fast, and withal Dodge XP is minimally affected. I will explain later how the toughness tin go to such an obscenely loftier level within an hour of this training phase, as it involves some planning and micro-managing, but it is worth it.
  3. Dex to 70, Melee Attack to 50+. At this stage, 2 to 3 trainees (armed with crappy wakizashis) volition attack ane heavily armoured opponent armed with a Horse Chopper and other gear to make him attack slower. Nosotros want to be doing the hitting here. Because your Trainees are green, at offset they will get hit a fiddling and level upwardly their Defence force themselves. But over a few sessions, you will see their Dex and attack skills going up really fast, considering their Defence is kept low compared to their opponent.
  4. Optional: Martial Arts using like method equally above, but if you are knocking out your opponent too quickly, lower your MA by equipping stuff which gives yous penalties. The nice matter about this part is fifty-fifty more piece of cake Dexterity gains! Yous shouldn't get down likewise rapidly (unless yous are a Hiver) because of the prior toughness and dodge training.
  5. Optional: Melee Defence. In my opinion, quite unnecessary to train in a dojo setting. In my playthroughs, my recruits come out of grooming with 70 Attack and about 35-40 Defense. Because quite a lot of enemies in the world have 30+ Defence force, over lots of combat and getting hit in the wilds, the Defence gains are notwithstanding proficient, and they usually end upwards in the l-60s. BUT if you really desire to train it upwardly in the dojo, equip your guy with the heaviest armour, and a crappy sabre like the Horse Chopper (reversing the grooming for attack) and just let him become hit repeatedly by your high Defence opponent.

Strength Training

Super wearisome, but thankfully not so many clicks or micro-managing once you fix it up.

  • Set up 2 storage boxes, (distance between them almost the width of v-half-dozen Stormhouses). Test if yous are able to transfer between them using a recruit, past Correct-Clicking on ane box (it opens up ane inventory), then left-clicking on the other. Yous should have both storage boxes inventories open. If you tin drag the unabridged stack between the 2 boxes, perfect! This is especially important to reduce micro-managing later.
  • Accrue as many building materials as you can into one box. Buy, craft etc. In Mongrel, I could buy up about 100 materials in two-3 days, I don't think I use the shopping mod.
  • Left click on the storage box with the building materials. Drag it out, y'all should see the whole stack on the floor (Annotation that Importing saves removes all items on floors! Be warned!).

  • Social club the recruit to haul to the other storage box further away. The recruit should commencement picking up the building materials from the floor, and start hauling it into the storage box.
  • When the box is full (check periodically whether your recruit is "Aimless", and not "Hauling to" and so you don't have to continue loading back to the forcefulness circuit), club him by R-Clicking on any of the box, then left-click on the other. With both boxes open, drag all the materials dorsum to the starting box, and so elevate out, dropping all the materials on the floor. The cycle should continue over again.

Arrange the inventory in a manner, so as to let just one edifice textile per trip.

  • The recruit must exist encumbered above lxx% and must be carrying a body to have the maximal strength gain (50%).
  • For the recruits inventory, arrange it in a mode that he can only take i edifice material per trip. I suggest for the bulk of the weight, to avoid so many clicking to add/remove stuff as the training progresses: Load upwards a trader's backpack with Steel Bars, or Iron Ore if you accept alot lying about.
  • Then drag this loaded backpack into his master inventory. It will fill up most of the inventory's filigree space as well, so you don't have to add too much junk to clutter it up. It also still gives yous space at the side to add some food/meds. (Be warned: Importing a game clears the contents of these "loaded" backpacks within inventories!)

Other suggestions: Hauling h2o, ore, anything works, simply I find that something with a larger inventory footprint is the best, to make them haul ane at a time.

Instance: In my game Mongrel had 2 modest shacks with well-nigh the perfect distance. Sho-Battai might have a similar setup, between a Longhouse and a Minor Shack (may be randomised, so no guarantee) If you lot have your own base then this is a not-issue.

Toughness Preparation

Toughness XP is of form given when beingness hit.

But the best Toughness XP is when your guy is "Playing expressionless" and you force him to get up, giving him a chunk of XP immediately.

Your grapheme "plays expressionless" only in the following conditions:

  • No other squad mates/or even allies within about 1 screen (fully zoomed out).
  • At least 2 conscious enemies in the direct vicinity.
  • He is not below his KO signal (recovery blackout). Caput, breast, stomach knocks out a person, but caput knock outs concluding a bit longer (more annoying).

I discovered this by accident equally I was using the Dust King and Ninja Tower as my toughness training spot. Information technology worked well, but is too risky. Occasional patrols and bandits will come disrupt the entire thing, leading to wasted fourth dimension and increased recuperation hours. And if you KO likewise near to the archway, they will put you in their prison house, wasting even more than time.

Another important annotation: Toughness gains from beingness hit is not about the corporeality of injury, it is the amount of intended damage. I tested this past using a captured Security Spider and letting my guys become hit by it. The armoured and unarmoured guys got near the same corporeality of XP, although of course those without armour were nearer to expiry..

The Toughness Training Centre

Ready up a training business firm, Stormhouse is good plenty. Identify it about more than 1 screen away from your base, in as rubber a place as possible. I placed mine but outside Mongrel, so in instance manure hits the fan, I could get my strength haulers/cook/researcher to come up save the trainee.

Finding the suitable training partners is the tricky function. Some NPCS are overly aggressive, once yous are KO or they are released they get-go bashing out of the business firm. Nosotros don't want that. In my experience, Dust, Starving Bandits are quite good for this. I used a Fog Prince as my "attacker" in this case.. strange that at first, he was always trying to exit of Mongrel, just later on a while of imprisonment he becomes docile. But the primary thing is this attacker shouldn't be that type of NPC. Test commencement. Arm this guy with a crappy Equus caballus Chopper and mayhap some armour (if your trainee is a MA pro he will probably KO this prisoner).

Screenshot: Having a legless, conscious enemy nearby, forces your trainee to "play expressionless" when knocked down, as there is at to the lowest degree 2 enemies around. Also make sure no other friendlies are nearby.

The 2d prisoner you need is the thing which is the cheesing part. Yous will demand to find a leg less prisoner.
Fighting lots of Fogmen helps- occassionally you detect 1 whose legs are gone or bleeding out. Patch that Fogman, but stop before you aid his legs. Permit the legs fall off, then re-cast to preclude decease. Whatever your method, you lot need this prisoner being unable to escape. This immobile, but witting(important!) prisoner is what will force your trainee to "play expressionless", and is the crucial role of this phase.

Trainee: unarmed, and in heaviest armour possible. You need the strength grooming prior to this, so that you can actually proceeds Contrivance XP while getting good protection. We don't desire to get Recovery Coma at all. If his MA is 1, even ameliorate, means he won't be knocking our prisoner out at all, and virtually likely he is getting striking. Recollect, this phase is to railroad train i) Toughness, and then secondarily Dodge, MA tin always expect.

Put the bedridden prisoner in a bed, release the Attacker prisoner, and fight. If your guy is MA pro, make him cake instead, and encumber him fifty-fifty more than with some large backpack. It volition also force his MA skill down, and Dodge should skyrocket.

I tend to speed up fourth dimension here, but pause and deadening down whenever your guy is KO. Assess the state of affairs, if it'due south okay, speed upward, go up from "playing dead", sentinel your toughness level go upwards. If his damage to limbs or head is getting besides heavy and risky, permit him rest in a bed first. Our Attacker Prisoner should exist courteous enough to expect. If not, knock him out and put him back in the muzzle first.

In my experience, getting to 60 toughness isn't a problem, grinding to 70 and across starts to become tedious. I noticed that at a certain stage past 70, your KO fourth dimension shortens to an extent that you lot get upwardly faster too. Simply by then, yous need to get up x+ times to proceeds 1 toughness level.

Depends on your patience, I find lxx sufficient for near characters. Highest I got was xc, but do note that with Shek or Hiver it may be slightly easier to go higher.

Beep undergoing toughness grooming (He went on to 71 Toughness)!

The "Playing dead" status seems to be triggered even if the other prisoner is in a cage! If I tin can ostend it works everytime, then peradventure you don't take to observe a legless prisoner- just make sure no allies are close to your toughness training base.

Dexterity, and Melee Assail

Note: If you lot cannot capture a Skeleton at this stage, kidnap a few Shek Dust Bandits, that is the side by side all-time prisoner for this.

Kidnap a Broken Skeleton from a Deadlands Workshop. At the aforementioned fourth dimension, if you oasis't done and then, purchase 2 Engineering Research to unlock the skeleton repair bed. Salve up some skeleton repair kits too, we demand it for our prisoner.

Skeletons are naturally resistant to our crappy wakizashis, so volition brand an ideal training dummy for our recruits. Brand this Skeleton prisoner a crappy Horse Chopper. You tin can equip this Skeleton with armour too, but information technology may not be necessary, unless your recruits are knocking him out way as well fast.

Annotation: Nikon'south stats when just starting this phase, Dex is at three..

Within i day(look at the fourth dimension), Dex at 59, Attack at 55!

  • Release him and have your recruits have information technology at him. This method works without the 3x combat modernistic as well, simply if you take the 3x Attack Slots modern by HaTsUnE_NeKo (modern link: Link), it speeds things up even more, equally your 3 guys tin stun and hit at the aforementioned fourth dimension.

I speed up time to the fastest until Skeleton goes down. Then quickly get him to the Repair Bed, and have all 3 recruits patch him up for the side by side round. Keep doing this until you get bored.

The Skeleton will have higher and higher defence, thus gaining more than XP for newer recruits. Your recruits volition get hit occasionally, so they volition nevertheless get Defence XP. Especially for the races which have Dex bonus, they easily striking 70+ dex in less than an hour with this method.

Martial Arts and Other Tips, Notes

Martial arts is done the same manner as the above, and is good as you proceeds even more Dex XP and small amounts of toughness (like yous need whatsoever more, if y'all had followed the toughness training method in role 2) I will write more on this when I get my first guy to lxxx MA (past 65 seems to be so slow, without e'er KO'ing my opponent instead).

Hither are some random tips:

  • Why practise I keep proverb, use Horse Chopper for the opponent?
  • Because it is the weakest cutting weapon which adds Defence to our prisoner, and lowers attack. A wakizashi volition brand our opponent attack too oftentimes.
  • Being a cutting weapon, your trainees will recover faster too. Blunt injuries, because they remove the part of the health bar completely, seems to e'er take longer to recover.

If you lot remembered how Combat Level is calculated- the near of import thing is that your training prisoner attacks less than your guys. The platonic training partner is 1 which the Defence is highest, merely attack the slowest. Use big backpacks or annihilation which slows the prisoner'south rate of set on.

The reverse is true when you are training up your defence yourself. So you can use this information to figure things out for yourself.

At that place are many, other methods of training, only why I like this the best is because:

  • 2 guys can be on strength hauling training.
  • And yous tin micro the toughness training for that i other person.
  • Then rotate.
  • And get back all three of them for the Dexterity and Attack class.
  • So Martial Arts.

Another tip about setting up your training camp: It is easier to wall off a department of your base with a gate, as opposed to setting the non-trainees to "Passive" or "Agree", in case you actually exercise become a raid. When the gate is locked, the not-trainees will not rush to attack or medic, so you don't have to set them to "Passive". Notation that if you have mercenaries in your base of operations, this volition not work- mercs volition bash your gate to get into the grooming compound.

I grinded the three hivers to 81+ Melee Assail, and close to xc Dex. Gains were slowing downwardly, then I tried to artificially increase the Broken Skeleton'due south Defence, and to lower my recruits' Defence level (So equally to increase the difference between their "Gainsay Level").

  • I equipped Large Backpacks on the recruits (-x skill, including Def).
  • Gave the recruits polearms (I think -8 Def total, because indoor).
  • Broken Skeleton gets a crappy Desert Sabre (+7 Def IIRC).

In the terminate, my Cleaved Skeleton had 90+ Defence. After grooming for a day or so(on fast-forward), repairing/resting when necessary and repeating, temporarily lowering the Defence level of our trainees does seem to assistance in the 70-fourscore+ grind. Just beyond 80+ the returns really boring downwards.
The trainees get hitting sometimes, and then they concluded upward with Defense of 55 in the finish. Also annotation they had the racial Dex bonus, so their Dex increases at a higher rate than Attack.

Special Section: Your Starting time Character, Stealing as an OP Get-go

Initially I wanted to put this section in front, but realised it has little to practice with Combat Mechanics.

This is for the new players who take not understood why stealing and stealth is so overpowered, or they find the game too hard (actually it is too easy because of these, that'due south why we need to ready limitations on ourselves).

Your first character will most probable not be trained in the efficient combat methods higher up, but will be key to setting upwardly your kickoff training middle, as you will need to capture a brigand, and do inquiry in a town to unlock storage, beds, cages, among other things. Stealing is of course a very overpowered starting time, but for new players who are yet figuring out the game, information technology gives you a major head commencement every bit loads of money can be earned inside the confines of a safe town.

Level up his/her stats this way:

  • Stealth: Simply by running effectually a lot in stealth. I had a Hive kickoff, and at Twenty-four hours 2 my graphic symbol was at 50 merely by continuously running through the Hiver crowds. I used to think the XP gain is from beingness united nations-encumbered, merely the best gains seem to come by running in darkness with the presence of many enemies around. Only level this naturally. IIRC effectually l stealth yous volition start to move quicker while in stealth.
  • Thievery: Go to a large town building like a Bughouse. Usually at that place are 1 or 2 corners which the NPCs will not run into you fifty-fifty in daylight. While running (Stealthed!) effectually the shop steal as many cups, bowls, pickable pocket-size items as yous can. The trick is this: Stealing items not in containers does not crave a skill check, and will always give you lot XP to Thievery. Go to the tranquillity corner, break game and drop the stolen items, unpause and pick them all up. Repeat as many times as your patience allows, only I find 60 skill to be more than sufficient at the commencement. IIRC 60+ skill allows you to steal from a container right next to the shopkeeper without getting caught. Use your mutual sense, merely exercise this grooming when you lot are non seen (blue center icon), picking up these stolen appurtenances from the floor is a criminal offense besides.
  • Lockpicking: Faster than using the practise boxes, lockpick whenever an opportunity presents itself. A chunk of xp is awarded on successful picks, more than failures, so sometimes you grind by picking all those xc% success rates ones first. Stealth is more important, so y'all can go into more places to option more locks. I recommend having a dedicated lockpicking thief, so yous can concentrate all that skills in one guy to pick those really high level locks. The balance of your squad mates can only have some, enough to escape a fogman or cannibal cage.
  • Assassination: XP is given for failed attempt also, although of class you lot practise not want to attempt this on boondocks NPCs. When you manage to capture your first bandit, leveling this is much easier. Information technology sounds cruel, but if yous tin can get a legless bandit with loftier toughness, that gives you the best gain. Put the bandit on a campsite bed, so repeatedly try to knock him out. If it gets too easy, slowing the process of XP farming due to the KO time, equip Samurai Armour etc. to requite yourself a penalty. Sometimes, sure bandits like Dust/Starving bandits "glitch out" in the training building, meaning they won't retaliate even if you neglect an attempt. It's really cheesy merely most of my trained characters accept Assassination in the 70s in a few minutes (on x3 speed setting), due to how piece of cake it is to cheese it once you have it set upward.

Buy the cheapest firm in boondocks. Enquiry T1, storage, etc.

Non certain if this exploit volition be fixed.

The Crossbow Locker accepts any item and cleans it of its stolen tag, assuasive you to resell it. If not, dumping stolen weapons in weapon storage, armour into armour breast etc.. cleans information technology of its stolen tag. This is super overpowered way of making loads of money right from day 1 (or two), you may however need to fence your first stolen goods in another place before you are able to make your ain house of fencing goods (hehe).


I wrote this guide to record downwardly some of the things which I learned in the past yr of playing Kenshi, to help out the newer players and to requite back to the community. Kenshi is hands i of the best games I accept ever played, and I hope that people come across that at the end of it, it's not about grinding the skills to 100 or accumulating tons of money (in that location are always ways to cheese the arrangement or through mods), it is about creating a playthrough which you decide how yous desire the story to pan out, maybe setting yourself some limitations. For example, i can determine non to steal at all, and then in that case getting that Masterwork armour for our grooming volition be only through crafting or a lucky buy. Or if a race has a penalty to Strength, I will not bother grinding it past sixty-70, etc. And so you decide how yous want to play. I hope this guide just serves every bit an inspiration to kickoff your own creative methods of training. Information technology is certainly not the best or only style, equally I have experimented with other methods prior to this. I program to update with more than images to better explain the concept of the grooming centre, setting upwardly the inventory and house, etc.

That said, have fun and happy trails!

Bo's stats weren't the highest I grinded, but at Str 75, Toughness 90, Dex 86, Atk/Def lxxx/56, MA:66 Dodge: 81 and a host of stealth skills, attacking the slavers was a walkover. This was on an Anti-Slavers/HN/UC playthrough. You tin see the grooming dummy, the Broken Skeleton has eighty+ Def for us to train on.

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