How to Add and Subtract
Positive and Negative Numbers

Numbers Can be Positive or Negative

This is the Number Line:

number line -10 to +10
Negative Numbers (−) Positive Numbers (+)

No Sign Means Positive

If a number has no sign it usually means that it is a positive number.

Example: 5 is really +5

Play with it!

On the Number Line positive goes to the right and negative to the left.

Try the sliders below and see what happens:


Balloons and Weights

Let us think about numbers as balloons (positive) and weights (negative):

add subtract general

This basket has balloons and weights tied to it:

  • The balloons pull up (positive)
  • And the weights drag down (negative)

Adding a Positive Number

Adding positive numbers is just simple addition.

add subtract ++  goes up

We can add balloons (we are adding positive value)

the basket gets pulled upwards (positive)

Example: 2 + 3 = 5

is really saying

"Positive 2 plus Positive 3 equals Positive 5"

We could write it as (+2) + (+3) = (+5)

Subtracting A Positive Number

Subtracting positive numbers is just simple subtraction.

add subtract -+  goes down

We can take away balloons (we are subtracting positive value)

the basket gets pulled downwards (negative)

Example: 6 − 3 = 3

is really saying

"Positive 6 minus Positive 3 equals Positive 3"

We could write it as (+6) − (+3) = (+3)

Adding A Negative Number

Now let's see what adding and subtracting negative numbers looks like:

add subtract +- goes down

We can add weights (we are adding negative values)

the basket gets pulled downwards (negative)

Example: 6 + (−3) = 3

is really saying

"Positive 6 plus Negative 3 equals Positive 3"

We could write it as (+6) + (−3) = (+3)

The last two examples showed us that taking away balloons (subtracting a positive) or adding weights (adding a negative) both make the basket go down.

So these have the same result:

  • (+6) − (+3) = (+3)
  • (+6) + (−3) = (+3)

In other words subtracting a positive is the same as adding a negative.

Subtracting A Negative Number

add subtract -- goes up

Lastly, we can take away weights (we are subtracting negative values)

the basket gets pulled upwards (positive)

Example: What is 6 − (−3) ?

6−(−3) = 6 + 3 = 9

Yes indeed! Subtracting a Negative is the same as adding!

Two Negatives make a Positive

What Did We Find?

Adding a positive number is simple addition ...

plus plus gives plus

Adding a Positive is Addition

Positive and Negative Together ...

plus minus gives minus

Subtracting a Positive
Adding a Negative

Example: What is 6 − (+3) ?

6−(+3) = 6 3 = 3

Example: What is 5 + (−7) ?

5+(−7) = 5 7 = −2

Subtracting a negative ...

minus minus gives plus

Subtracting a Negative is the same as Adding

Example: What is 14 − (−4) ?

14−(−4) = 14 + 4 = 18

The Rules:

It can all be put into two rules:

Rule Example
+(+) Two like signs become a positive sign plus 3+(+2) = 3 + 2 = 5
−(−) 6−(−3) = 6 + 3 = 9
+(−) Two unlike signs become a negative sign minus 7+(−2) = 7 2 = 5
−(+) 8−(+2) = 8 2 = 6

They are "like signs" when they are like each other (in other words: the same).

So, all you have to remember is:

Two like signs become a positive sign

Two unlike signs become a negative sign

Example: What is 5+(−2) ?

+(−) are unlike signs (they are not the same), so they become a negative sign.

5+(−2) = 5 2 = 3

Example: What is 25−(−4) ?

−(−) are like signs, so they become a positive sign.

25−(−4) = 25+4 = 29

Starting Negative

What if we start with a negative number?

Using The Number Line can help:

Example: What is −3+(+2) ?

+(+) are like signs, so they become a positive sign.

−3+(+2) = −3 + 2

number line -3 + 2 = -1
Start at −3 on the number line,
move forward 2 and you end up at −1

−3+(+2) = −3 + 2 = −1

Example: What is −3+(−2) ?

+(−) are unlike signs, so they become a negative sign.

−3+(−2) = −3 2

number line -3 - 2 = -5
Start at −3 on the number line,
move back 2 and you end up at −5

−3+(−2) = −3 2 = −5

Now Play With It!

pat athlete Try playing Casey Runner, you need to know the rules of positive and negative to succeed!

A Common Sense Explanation

And there is a "common sense" explanation:

dog brocolli

If I say "Eat!" I am encouraging you to eat (positive)

If I say "Do not eat!" I am saying the opposite (negative).

Now if I say "Do NOT not eat!", I am saying I don't want you to starve, so I am back to saying "Eat!" (positive).

So, two negatives make a positive, and if that satisfies you, then you are done!

Another Common Sense Explanation

A friend is +, an enemy is

+ + ⇒ + a friend of a friend is my friend
+ − ⇒ − a friend of an enemy is my enemy
− + ⇒ − an enemy of a friend is my enemy
− − ⇒ + an enemy of an enemy is my friend

A Bank Example

Example: Last year the bank subtracted $10 from your account by mistake, and they want to fix it.

So the bank must take away a negative $10.

Let's say your current balance is $80, so you will then have:

$80−(−$10) = $80 + $10 = $90

So you get $10 more in your account.

A Long Example You Might Like

Ally's Points


Ally can be naughty or nice. So Ally's parents have said

"If you are nice we will add 3 points (+3).
If you are naughty, we take away 3 points (−3).
When you reach 30 Points you get a toy."

Ally starts the day with 9 Points: 9
Ally's Mom discovers spilt milk: 9 − 3 = 6

Then Dad confesses he spilt the milk and writes "undo".

How do we "undo" a minus 3?
We add 3 back again!

So Mom calculates: 6 − (−3) = 6 + 3 = 9

alexas points

So when we subtract a negative, we gain points
(i.e. the same as adding points).

minus minus gives plus

So Subtracting a Negative is the same as Adding

A few days later. Ally has 12 points.

Mom adds 3 points because Ally's room is clean. 12 + 3 = 15

Dad says "I cleaned that room" and writes "undo" on the chart. Mom calculates: 15 − (+3) = 12

Dad sees Ally brushing the dog. Writes "+3" on the chart. Mom calculates: 12 + (+3) = 15

Ally throws a stone against the window. Dad writes "−3" on the chart. Mom calculates: 15 + (−3) = 12

alexas points2

See: both "15 − (+3)" and "15 + (−3)" result in 12.


It doesn't matter if you subtract positive points
or add negative points,
you still end up losing points.

plus minus gives minus

So Subtracting a Positive
Adding a Negative


Try These Exercises ...

Now try This Worksheet, and see how you go.

And also try these questions:

11715, 11716, 11717, 11718, 11719, 11720, 11721, 3445, 3446